
Download open jdk
Download open jdk

Note: The ini file is editable so we could edit omprv64.ini to display any tomcat version we want but it wouldn't change what is actually being used. The Web UI reads this value from C:\Program Files\Dell\SysMgt\oma\ini\omprv64.ini config file. Identify Tomcat version The tomcat version is also available from the about page in the web UI. The CLI method will also tell you if the webserver Is using the default version that is bundled with OMSA or a different version that is installed on the system. Identify JRE version The currently active JRE version can be viewed from the about page in the web UI or from omreport command-line utility.Ĭ:\>omreport preferences webserver attribute=getjre How to enable custom JRE Packages in OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA) Link to the Dell EMC YouTube channel video: At least it built in my case.The following video provides an overview on How to enable custom JRE Packages in OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA) You Android build should be done after that (apk or aab). If you get a warning about obsolete Android SDK, click on Update SDK button.ġ3. Come back to Unity Editor and try to build the project.ġ2. Do so if you see a warning about it in Unity Editorġ1. You may need to restart the PC to take these variables into effect. Add JAVA_HOME variables in both Users and System variables section. Copy the OpenJDK path from Preferences > External Tools.ġ0 Go to Windows Environment Variables. Locate your project in Unity Hub and click to load it in Unity Editor.ĩ. Expand it and select both sub-options SDK, NDK and OpenJDK.Ĩ. Then select this installation in the Hub and select Add Module. Add Unity Editor - 2020.3.20f1 release but DO NOT select Android module. Start Unity Hub - 2.4.5 as "Run as Administrator".Ĥ.

download open jdk

This is the version which solved my issue.ģ. I have installed it first and problem has started from there.

download open jdk

Disable any anti virus before installing Unity Hub or Unity Editor. After running pillar to post and reading hundreds of posts on many forums, I was able to resolve the issue.ġ. I believe many people might be facing this issue.

Download open jdk